

October 12, 2024 28 Views

VfB knows we’ve all been the victim of DEI hires bollixing our orders…but this:

Sheriff calls for backup over wrong Burger King order

COBB COUNTY, Ga. (WKRC) – Body camera footage captured the moments deputies came to the sheriff’s aid to deal with a incorrect Burger King order.

The body camera recording was posted online by David Cavender, who is running against Sheriff Craig Owens Sr. for sheriff in Cobb County.

The video posted by Cavender claims that deputies were dispatched to “speed” through Cobb County to respond to Sheriff Owens’ issue at a nearby Burger King. The video appears to depict the deputies running red lights and using their sirens.

When deputies arrived at the fast food restaurant, the sheriff leaned out of the drivers’ side window and spoke to a recording deputy.

“Hey, do me a favor,” Sheriff Owens said. “I need to get- all I need is the owner’s name of whoever owns this damn facility, or the manager.”

The sheriff explained how he was given an incorrect order by a Burger King employee, asked for it to be replaced, and was denied.

“I don’t need no damn money back no more,” he said. “I just need to find out who owns this place so I can do an official complaint.”

The sheriff was not asked why he did not get the information himself.

When deputies first arrived at the scene, they realized the restaurant’s doors were locked, despite employees still being inside. The employees unlocked the doors for the deputies, and explained that many upset customers would act out violently or even resort to talking, so they were just trying to be safe, according to the video.

Running for Chief Deputy alongside Cavender’s campaign for Sheriff, Mike Dondelinger called the incident “an abuse of power.”

“I’m shocked the sheriff feels so flippant about this issue that he would have deputies run lights and sirens, placing citizens at risk and his deputies at risk, just so he could get information from a business owner that clearly could have been followed up on another day,” Dondelinger said.

Sheriff Owens, on the other hand, argued that it was a simple business dispute that any citizen could have called in.

“I was not in my uniform, and at no point in my interaction with the staff did I identify myself as a member of the law enforcement community,” Sheriff Owens said. “At no point did I indicate my position, nor did I ask the responders to do anything that they would not, had not, or have not done for anyone else who makes a business dispute call.”


This apparently was broadcast over 95.5 WSB RADIO:

Something absolutely and utterly STUPID going on around you?

Well, THIS is why

Recall his quote above in the previous ; from this story:

He said the call is being politicized in an attempt to win votes.

“Whether as a Command Sergeant Major, or a major in the Cobb Police Department, or as sheriff, I have always worked to build confidence and trust in leadership. To our citizens and residents, it is clear that I need to work harder, and I pledge to do so,” Owens said.

He ended with a list of accomplishments and an apology.

“Anything that takes away from that mission is a distraction, and for that, I am deeply sorry, Owens said.

Voters like Farook said they want more information on this race now.


“If I don’t get ketchup on my Whopper, do I get to call police officers with sirens?” Farook said.

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