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In a bombshell revelation that’s sending shockwaves through the political landscape, the Next News Network’s RAW FEED, hosted by Gary Franchi, brings you an explosive exposĆ© that threatens to derail Kamala Harris’s bid for the presidency. Folks, we’re talking about a literary scandal so brazen, it would make even Joe Biden blush.

Kamala Harris, the woman who wants to lead the free world, has been caught with her hand in the cookie jar ā€“ or should we say, with her cursor on the copy-paste button. Her book, ironically titled “Smart on Crime,” turns out to be not so smart after all. We’re talking whole passages lifted directly from Wikipedia, press releases, and other sources, often without attribution.

This isn’t just about a few borrowed phrases, folks. This is about integrity, or the lack thereof. If Harris is willing to cut corners and take credit for others’ work in a book, what else might she be willing to do in the Oval Office?

The investigation, conducted by famed Austrian “plagiarism hunter” Dr. Stefan Weber and independently verified by conservative activist Christopher Rufo, has uncovered at least a dozen instances of plagiarism in Harris’s 2009 book. We’re not talking about a few similar phrases here and there. We’re talking about entire paragraphs copied verbatim from Wikipedia, of all places!

But here’s where it gets really interesting. The mainstream media, particularly The New York Times, is trying to downplay this scandal. They’re calling it “not serious” and even suggesting that pointing out plagiarism is somehow racist. Can you believe it? Since when did academic integrity become a racial issue?

Now, I need to level with you. This kind of investigative journalism, the kind that exposes the truth and holds our leaders accountable, it doesn’t come cheap. We’re up against a machine that wants to keep this story buried, and we need your help to keep digging.

If you value the work we do here at Next News Network, if you believe in holding our potential leaders to the highest standards of integrity, then I’m asking you to step up. Head to or donate via PayPal at Your support isn’t just appreciated ā€“ it’s crucial in our fight to bring you the truth.

But the plagiarism scandal is just the tip of the iceberg. As we speak, Harris is set to appear on Fox News with Brett Baier. Will she be asked about this literary theft? Will she have to answer for the “Touchdown Timmy” scandal involving her running mate? Or will this be another softball interview designed to rehabilitate her image?

Let’s not forget, folks, this is the same Kamala Harris who’s out there claiming Trump is “not ready” for the presidency. The irony is thick enough to cut with a knife. Trump, who’s been president before, isn’t ready, but Harris, who can’t even write her own book without copying Wikipedia, is?

This scandal raises serious questions about Harris’s fitness for office. If she’s willing to pass off others’ work as her own in a book, what else is she willing to do? How can we trust her to lead our nation if we can’t even trust her to write her own words?

As we dive deeper into this story, we’re uncovering more and more instances of plagiarism. From lifting entire press releases to copying Bureau of Justice reports, it seems there’s no end to the intellectual theft.

But here’s the kicker, folks. Harris and her team are silent. They’re hoping if they ignore this long enough, it’ll just go away. But we’re not going to let that happen. We’re going to keep digging, keep exposing, and keep holding them accountable.

This is more than just a story about a book. It’s about the integrity of our political system. It’s about whether we, as a nation, are willing to hold our leaders to the same standards we hold our students.

Remember, you heard it here first on Next News Network’s RAW FEED. We’re not afraid to ask the tough questions, to dig where others won’t. And with your support, we’ll keep fighting to bring you the truth, no matter who tries to stand in our way.

The establishment thought they could sweep this under the rug. But they didn’t count on the power of independent media and the unwavering support of patriots like you. Together, we’re going to expose this scandal and hold Kamala Harris accountable.

Catch the whole RAW FEED live stream at


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