

October 24, 2024 21 Views

JUST IN: Former model Stacey Williams claims that Donald Trump groped her 31 years ago.

In a new hit piece from the Guardian, Williams claims she met Donald Trump through Jeffrey Epstein.

She says she went to Trump Tower in 1993 with Epstein where Trump allegedly grabbed her b*tt and bre*sts.

Williams claims she thought she saw the two men smiling at each other during the incident.

“These accusations, made by a former activist for Barack Obama and announced on a Harris campaign call two weeks before the election, are unequivocally false,” said Trump campaign press secretary Karoline Leavitt.

“It’s obvious this fake story was contrived by the Harris campaign.”



The Atlantic’s newest hit piece on Trump is why we can’t trust media

It’s not that the Atlantic’s Editor-in-Chief, Jeffery Goldberg, has the journalistic ethics of a drunk National Enquirer reporter. It’s that the entire media spreads his gossip without a hint of skepticism.

A new hit piece from the Atlantic, reminiscent of an old hit piece from the publication, reported that former President Donald Trump belittled a dead soldier and praised Hitler’s generals (and what self-respecting piece about Trump doesn’t mention der Fuhrer?)

The first thing to remember is that Goldberg could literally make up any quote from an alleged “anonymous” source, and he would face no repercussions. No major outlet will challenge the veracity of his shoddy work, which breaks numerous journalistic norms, because his accusations are aimed at the right target. The media, after all, is now the democracy-saving business.

The owner of the famed magazine certainly doesn’t give one wit about its integrity either. The Atlantic, which loses tens of millions of dollars every year, is owned by billionaire Laurene Powell Jobs, who isn’t worried about the magazine’s 164-year tradition of “challenging assumptions and pursuing truth.” Rather, as she explained to her ”close” and “genuine” friend, Vice President Kamala Harris, at an event not long ago, she wants to lift up “cultural narratives” that will create “a more just and equal society.”

Goldberg’s 2024 narrative is suffering from the same problems his 2020 “suckers and losers” hit piece did. Anonymous sources make claims that a bunch of on-the-record people contradict. There’s a 0% chance that any reputable newspaper, 10-20 years ago, would have run a story about a president demeaning fallen American servicemen based on an anonymous source without any corroboration.

Recall that, back in 2020, the entire establishment media and numerous social media platforms refused to share the New York Post’s Hunter Biden laptop scoop, which richly detailed how the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate and his son were involved in an international influence peddling scheme. The story, they said, could not be independently verified.

Now, it was funny because the media had spent over four years decimating their reputations by spreading histrionic conspiracy theories about Russian collusion. Indeed, the New York Post exercised a far higher standard of professionalism than any of them. Incidentally, every part of the Hunter Biden story was confirmed true not only by numerous on-the-record sources but also by Hunter Biden himself.

It was also funny because a month earlier, Goldberg published his “suckers and losers” piece, and virtually every media outlet spread the story as a fact, though none had verified the story.

They’re doing the same thing again.

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The Atlantic’s newest hit piece on Trump is why we can’t trust media 

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